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Ниже будут танцы с бубном для запуска in-memory database apache ignite
1.Создаём сеть:
docker network create --driver overlay ignite
2.Выкачиваем образ:
docker pull apacheignite/web-console-standalone:2.7.0
перетегируем чтоб добавить в гитлаб
docker tag apacheignite/web-console-standalone:2.7.0 gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-console-standalone:2.7.0
пушим образ в гитлаб:
docker push gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-console-standalone:2.7.0
3.Создаём директорию в которой уже будет весь наш стек:
mkdir apache-ignite
В этой директории создадим файл settings.js с настройками для нашего бекенда(он нужен только для того, чтобы порт 3000 слушал 0,0,0,0 а не только 127,0,0,1, но чтобы это работало необходимо ещё и в переменные добавить server_host=
cat settings.js
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<span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ 'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); // Fire me up! /** * Module with server-side configuration. */ module.exports = { implements: 'settings', inject: ['nconf'], factory(nconf) { /** * Normalize a port into a number, string, or false. */ const _normalizePort = function(val) { const port = parseInt(val, 10); // named pipe if (isNaN(port)) return val; // port number if (port >= 0) return port; return false; }; const mail = nconf.get('mail') || {}; const packaged = __dirname.startsWith('/snapshot/') || __dirname.startsWith('C:\\snapshot\\'); const dfltAgentDists = packaged ? 'libs/agent_dists' : 'agent_dists'; const dfltHost = packaged ? '' : ''; const dfltPort = packaged ? 80 : 3000; return { agent: { dists: nconf.get('agent:dists') || dfltAgentDists }, packaged, server: { host: nconf.get('server:host') || dfltHost, port: _normalizePort(nconf.get('server:port') || dfltPort), SSLOptions: nconf.get('server:ssl') && { enable301Redirects: true, trustXFPHeader: true, key: fs.readFileSync(nconf.get('server:key')), cert: fs.readFileSync(nconf.get('server:cert')), passphrase: nconf.get('server:keyPassphrase') } }, mail, mongoUrl: nconf.get('mongodb:url') || 'mongodb://', cookieTTL: 3600000 * 24 * 30, sessionSecret: nconf.get('server:sessionSecret') || 'keyboard cat', tokenLength: 20 }; } }; </span> |
4.Создадим файл с нашим стеком:
cat swarm-ignite.yml
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version: '3.4' services: ignite1: image: gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-ignite ports: - target: 10800 published: 10800 protocol: tcp mode: host - target: 47500 published: 47500 protocol: tcp mode: host # volumes: # - ignite1:/opt/ignite/apache-ignite/work networks: - ignite hostname: ignite1 environment: - OPTION_LIBS=ignite-rest-http deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 1 update_config: parallelism: 1 delay: 10s order: start-first # configs: # - source: config.xml # target: /opt/ignite/apache-ignite/config/ignite-config.xml ignite2: image: gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-ignite ports: - target: 10800 published: 10800 protocol: tcp mode: host - target: 47500 published: 47500 protocol: tcp mode: host # volumes: # - ignite2:/opt/ignite/apache-ignite/work networks: - ignite hostname: ignite2 environment: - OPTION_LIBS=ignite-rest-http deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 1 update_config: parallelism: 1 delay: 10s order: start-first # configs: # - source: config.xml # target: /opt/ignite/apache-ignite/config/ignite-config.xml ignite3: image: gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-ignite ports: - target: 10800 published: 10800 protocol: tcp mode: host - target: 47500 published: 47500 protocol: tcp mode: host # volumes: # - ignite3:/opt/ignite/apache-ignite/work networks: - ignite hostname: ignite3 environment: - OPTION_LIBS=ignite-rest-http deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 1 update_config: parallelism: 1 delay: 10s order: start-first # configs: # - source: config.xml # target: /opt/ignite/apache-ignite/config/ignite-config.xml agent: image: gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-agent deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 1 update_config: parallelism: 1 delay: 10s order: start-first environment: - DRIVER_FOLDER=./jdbc-drivers - SERVER_URI=http://backend:3000 - NODE_URI=http://ignite1:8080,http://ignite2:8080,http://ignite3:8080 - TOKENS=calnof9OY9jp695ECbaH networks: - ignite backend: image: gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-console-standalone:2.7.0 hostname: backend deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 1 update_config: parallelism: 1 delay: 10s order: start-first # ports: # - "80:80" # - "3000:3000" # - "3001:3001" networks: - ignite - proxy environment: - server_port=3000 - server_host= - server_sessionSecret=CHANGE ME - mail_service= - mail_sign= - mail_greeting= - mail_from= - mail_auth_user= - mail_auth_pass= configs: - source: settings.js target: /opt/web-console/backend/app/settings.js deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 1 update_config: parallelism: 1 delay: 10s order: start-first labels: - com.df.notify=true - com.df.serviceDomain=ignite.swarm.test.local - com.df.port=80 # volumes: # - mongo:/data/db #volumes: # ignite1: # driver: "rexray/rbd:latest" # driver_opts: # size: 2 # ignite2: # driver: "rexray/rbd:latest" # driver_opts: # size: 2 # ignite3: # driver: "rexray/rbd:latest" # driver_opts: # size: 2 # mongo: # driver: "rexray/rbd:latest" # driver_opts: # size: 1 configs: # config.xml: # file: ./ignite-config.xml settings.js: file: ./settings.js networks: ignite: external: true proxy: external: true |
5.Запускаем его:
docker stack deploy -c swarm-ignite.yml ignite --with-registry-auth
у нас будет работать только 1 сервис, наш бекенд.
docker service ls
tkdj3ezz393b ignite_agent replicated 0/1 gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-agent
h75fy9cn0ljs ignite_backend replicated 1/1 gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-console-standalone:2.7.0 *:80->80/tcp, *:3000-3001->3000-3001/tcp
vc6mhn0tz303 ignite_ignite1 replicated 0/1 gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-ignite:latest
m86b2v880mqu ignite_ignite2 replicated 0/1 gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-ignite:latest
x9i6aojpqo8j ignite_ignite3 replicated 0/1 gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-ignite:latest
6.Выкачиваем агента который позволит нам работать с кластером:
заходим в контейнер:
[root@node1 apache-ignite]# docker service ps ignite_backend
qtl2jc6ut7k1 ignite_backend.1 gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-console-standalone:2.7.0 node1 Running Running 8 minutes ago
[root@node1 apache-ignite]# docker ps | grep ignite_backend
58a43ccfe953 gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-console-standalone:2.7.0 "/opt/web-console/do…" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes 80/tcp ignite_backend.1.qtl2jc6ut7k1l95j9uwliwvrr
[root@node1 apache-ignite]# docker exec -ti 58a43ccfe953 bash
Находим архив с агентом:
root@58a43ccfe953:/opt/web-console# find / -name ignite-web-agent*
root@58a43ccfe953:/opt/web-console# exit
скачиваем его на хостовую ноду:
[root@node1 apache-ignite]# docker cp 58a43ccfe953:/opt/web-console/backend/agent_dists/ .
[root@node1 apache-ignite]# unzip
В файле:
[root@node1 apache-ignite]# vim ignite-web-agent-2.7.0/
правим строку:
source "${IGNITE_HOME}"/include/
source ${IGNITE_HOME}/
После чего добавляем следующий Dockerfile:
[root@node1 apache-ignite]# cat ignite-web-agent-2.7.0/Dockerfile
[codesyntax lang="php" blockstate="collapsed"]
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<span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">FROM openjdk:8-jre-alpine # Provide default arguments ARG DEFAULT_DRIVER_FOLDER="/opt/ignite/drivers" ARG DEFAULT_NODE_URI="http://localhost:8080" ARG DEFAULT_SERVER_URI="http://localhost" ARG DEFAULT_TOKENS="NO_TOKENS" ENV DRIVER_FOLDER=$DEFAULT_DRIVER_FOLDER ENV NODE_URI=$DEFAULT_NODE_URI ENV SERVER_URI=$DEFAULT_SERVER_URI ENV TOKENS=$DEFAULT_TOKENS # Settings USER root ENV AGENT_HOME /opt/ignite/ignite-web-agent WORKDIR ${AGENT_HOME} # Add missing software RUN apk --no-cache \ add bash # Copy main binary archive COPY * ./ # Entrypoint CMD ./ -d ${DRIVER_FOLDER} -n ${NODE_URI} -s ${SERVER_URI} -t ${TOKENS} </span> |
Далее билдим образ:
[root@node1 ignite-web-agent-2.7.0]# docker build -t gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-agent .
Пушим его в гитлаб:
docker push gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-agent
7.Далее заходим по домену или ip адресу, нажимаем sign up
Заполняем поля:
sign up
Create cluster configuration
Discovery: Static Ips
Если нужно будет настроить хранение данных, то проматываем вниз до:
"Data storage configuration" включаем "Persistence enabled" и настраиваем конфигурацию, а в стеке прокидываем вольюм
- ignite1:/opt/ignite/apache-ignite/work
(для каждого из инстансов)
после чего нажимаем на расширенную часть save и выбираем save and download
Будет скачан архив
создаём для него директорию: mkdir ignite_nodes
загружаем архив на сервер в эту директорию, и распаковываем:
Далее билдим образ:
docker build -t gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-ignite .
(билдить лучше на сервере с прямым доступом в нет так как прокси в mvn не получилось подтянуть)
docker push gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-ignite:latest
всё теперь у нас появилось в гитлабе 3 образа, это:
8.Смотрим токен, для этого нажимаем на имя кластера, -> Profile
Show security token
копируем токен, y0kWMLkQglgEt7UdJfI7 и добавляем его в наш стек swarm-ignite.yml, к сервису agent
[codesyntax lang="php"]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
<span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;"> agent: image: gitnexus.test.local:4567/swarm/apache-ignite/web-agent environment: - DRIVER_FOLDER=./jdbc-drivers - SERVER_URI=http://backend:3000 - NODE_URI=http://ignite1:8080,http://ignite2:8080,http://ignite3:8080 - TOKENS=<strong>y0kWMLkQglgEt7UdJfI7</strong> networks: - ignite</span> |
9.Удаляем сервисы:
[root@node1 apache-ignite]# docker service rm ignite_agent ignite_ignite1 ignite_ignite2 ignite_ignite3
и повторно деплоим наш стек:
[root@node1 apache-ignite]# docker stack deploy -c swarm-ignite.yml ignite --with-registry-auth
Смотрим по логам:
- что кластер видит все сервера:
[root@node1 apache-ignite]# docker service logs ignite_ignite1 | grep servers
ignite_ignite1.1.nxrgmzppxk5y@node3 | [06:31:38] New version is available at 2.7.6
ignite_ignite1.1.nxrgmzppxk5y@node3 | [06:31:38] Topology snapshot [ver=3, locNode=a40d49cd, servers=3, clients=0, state=ACTIVE, CPUs=6, offheap=2.2GB, heap=3.0GB]
- что агент нормально подцепился:
[root@node1 apache-ignite]# docker service logs ignite_agent
ignite_agent.1.qb2kxa6nvbkp@node1 | [2020-02-19 06:31:01,790][INFO ][main][AgentLauncher] Starting Apache Ignite Web Console Agent…
ignite_agent.1.qb2kxa6nvbkp@node1 | [2020-02-19 06:31:02,087][WARN ][main][AgentLauncher] Failed to find agent property file:
ignite_agent.1.qb2kxa6nvbkp@node1 |
ignite_agent.1.qb2kxa6nvbkp@node1 | Agent configuration:
ignite_agent.1.qb2kxa6nvbkp@node1 | User's security tokens : ****************JfI7
ignite_agent.1.qb2kxa6nvbkp@node1 | URI to Ignite node REST server : http://ignite1:8080, http://ignite2:8080, http://ignite3:8080
ignite_agent.1.qb2kxa6nvbkp@node1 | URI to Ignite Console server : http://backend:3000
ignite_agent.1.qb2kxa6nvbkp@node1 | Path to agent property file :
ignite_agent.1.qb2kxa6nvbkp@node1 | Path to JDBC drivers folder : ./jdbc-drivers
ignite_agent.1.qb2kxa6nvbkp@node1 | Demo mode : enabled
ignite_agent.1.qb2kxa6nvbkp@node1 |
ignite_agent.1.qb2kxa6nvbkp@node1 | [2020-02-19 06:31:02,542][INFO ][main][AgentLauncher] Connecting to: http://backend:3000
ignite_agent.1.qb2kxa6nvbkp@node1 | [2020-02-19 06:31:02,734][INFO ][EventThread][AgentLauncher] Connection established.
ignite_agent.1.qb2kxa6nvbkp@node1 | [2020-02-19 06:31:02,837][INFO ][EventThread][AgentLauncher] Authentication success.
В панели мы увидим, что появился подключённый кластер:
Если необходимо активировать кластер без веб панели то заходим на любой поднятый контейнер кластера и активируем кластер:
$IGNITE_HOME/bin/ –activate
Режим проверки
Чтобы проверить записи в таблицах:
cd apache-ignite/bin
./ --verbose=true -u jdbc:ignite:thin://
!tables покажет все таблицы