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nixops - утилита для удаленного обслуживания систем на базе ОС NixOS. Также она поддерживает развертывание систем на VirtualBox VM, Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine, Microsoft Azure, Hetzner physical machines, Digital Ocean, Libvirtd (Qemu), Datadog resources. Подробнее об этих возможностях можно прочитать в мануале —
Давайте попробуем подключить управление nixops к уже установленной удаленной системе на базе ОС NixOS. Она может быть установлена как на физической машине, так и на виртуальной. Главное, чтобы к ней был доступ по IP-адресу.
Создаем удаленную систему
Проверим текущую версию nixops:
Создадим новую виртуальную машину и установим на нее ОС NixOS (как это сделать, можно посмотреть в статье). Cгенерируем хэш пароля:
И ssh-ключ, который будем использовать в удаленной системе:
ssh-keygen -a 128 -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
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Generating public/private ed25519 key pair. Created directory '/home/rebrain/.ssh'. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /home/rebrain/.ssh/id_ed25519 Your public key has been saved in /home/rebrain/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: SHA256:Wl3BrHR8/y3SBkM/fnuLdaxYT7B6yoHZRkHl2mHOMAA rebrain@NixOS-example The key's randomart image is: +--[ED25519 256]--+ | E..+o.. | | .o*o. | | . +=o+. | | ...oXo..| | S . o==.o| | o =. =++| | . o +oo+=| | o =+=o| | =+..+| +----[SHA256]-----+ |
- -a 128 — указывает количество используемых раундов для KDF (функция получения ключа).
- -t ed25519 — генерирует ключ на основе схемы сигнатур эллиптической кривой.
- -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 — указывает, куда сохранять ключ.
На удаленной системе используем вот такую упрощенную конфигурацию :
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{ config, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix ]; boot.loader.grub.enable = true; boot.loader.grub.version = 2; boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/vda"; networking.hostName = "basic-nixops"; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ wget vim mkpasswd ]; services.openssh = { enable = true; passwordAuthentication = false; permitRootLogin = "yes"; }; users = { mutableUsers = false; users.root = { openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAII5rqPqf/eFAyAEPZhwX/Hg7sNLZj4LWEexxsnv6izMW rebrain@NixOS-example" ]; hashedPassword = null; }; users.rebrain = { isNormalUser = true; uid = 51011; group = "rebrain"; extraGroups = [ "wheel" "users" ]; hashedPassword = "$6$zejLDpVGQfekr$no6c35WweI7j59W8diZ2pZwA2xadi5NxJNacLkBBoOmyt/4Lqt/pDX2pO3vUw157eb59XUZ71GZcMXQs2FqKL/"; }; groups.rebrain = { gid = 51011; }; }; system.stateVersion = "20.09"; } |
Важно правильно прописать openssh.authorizedKeys.keys, так как иначе не сможем попасть в удаленную систему. Имейте в виду, что в конфигурации значения hashedPassword и openssh.authorizedKeys.keys будут отличаться.
Теперь у нас готова удаленная система, где мы можем потестить утилиту nixops.
Переходим к деплою
На основной системе подготавливаем структуру для деплоя:
- config-defs — здесь создаем симлинк к базовой конфигурации системы, которая будет использоваться на всех удаленных системах.
- deploy — в этой папке будет храниться конфигурация удаленных систем.
Для первой удаленной системы создаем следующие конфигурационные файлы:
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{ network.description = "labs servers"; network.enableRollback = true; vm01-test = { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: { require = [ ./labs/vm01-test/configuration.nix ]; deployment.targetEnv = "none"; deployment.targetHost = ""; deployment.targetPort = 22; }; } |
В значении deployment.targetHost = «»; указываем IP-адрес нашей удаленной системы. Как вы понимаете, в вашем случае он будет отличаться.
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{ imports =[ ./../../../config-defs/core.nix ./hardware-configuration.nix ./users.nix ]; boot = { loader.grub.device = "/dev/vda"; kernelParams = [ "lockdown=confidentiality" ]; }; networking.hostName = "vm01-test"; } |
Теперь копируем из удаленной системы содержимое hardware-configuration.nix. В вашем случае значения fileSystems.»/» и swapDevices будут отличаться, остальные параметры тоже могут отличаться в зависимости от того, где и как вы подняли удаленную систему.
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{ config, lib, pkgs, modulesPath, ... }: { imports = [ (modulesPath + "/profiles/qemu-guest.nix") ]; boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "ahci" "xhci_pci" "virtio_pci" "sr_mod" "virtio_blk" ]; boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ ]; boot.kernelModules = [ ]; boot.extraModulePackages = [ ]; fileSystems."/" = { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/9fe5779b-f835-4faa-a26a-1b0e24885b53"; fsType = "ext3"; }; swapDevices = [ { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/1ad05bbc-f8aa-4233-8f25-e2d069088660"; } ]; } |
В файле users.nix в разделе users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys прописываем наш ssh-ключ. В разделе users.rebrain.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys уже прописан ключ, который мы сгенерировали при первом знакомстве с NixOS.
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{ config, ... }: let ssh-keys = import ./../../../config-defs/generic/security/ssh-keys.nix; in { users = with ssh-keys; { users.root = { openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAII5rqPqf/eFAyAEPZhwX/Hg7sNLZj4LWEexxsnv6izMW rebrain@NixOS-example" ]; hashedPassword = null; }; users.rebrain = { isNormalUser = true; uid = config.uid-gid.rebrain; group = "rebrain"; extraGroups = [ "wheel" "users" ]; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ work.rebrain_example ]; hashedPassword = "$6$zejLDpVGQfekr$no6c35WweI7j59W8diZ2pZwA2xadi5NxJNacLkBBoOmyt/4Lqt/pDX2pO3vUw157eb59XUZ71GZcMXQs2FqKL/"; }; groups.rebrain = { gid = config.uid-gid.rebrain; }; groups.ssh-users = { members = [ "root" "rebrain" ]; }; }; } |
Создаем новый деплой:
Просмотрим информацию о нашем деплое:
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Network name: labs Network UUID: 00bb8030-dd68-11ea-bffc-525400c283bd Network description: labs servers Nix expressions: /home/rebrain/works/nixops/deploy/labs.nix Nix profile: /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/rebrain/nixops/00bb8030-dd68-11ea-bffc-525400c283bd +-----------+---------+------+-------------+------------+ | Name | Status | Type | Resource Id | IP address | +-----------+---------+------+-------------+------------+ | vm01-test | Missing | none | | | +-----------+---------+------+-------------+------------+ |
Разворачиваем конфигурацию на удаленной системе
Теперь можно развернуть нашу конфигурацию на удаленную систему:
Если при генерации ssh ключа указывали пароль, то nixops у нас eго затребует:
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The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:OkVYhWyTXSqRhepssZl8wea9fyORTStMT5Hyyczpdao. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. Enter passphrase for key '/home/rebrain/.ssh/id_ed25519': |
Запускается процесс сборки и настройки удаленной системы:
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building all machine configurations... unpacking ''... copying path '/nix/store/jig041yhk4gjymfbm7l0r3cvhpc30abf-mirrors-list' from ''... copying path '/nix/store/70p2d9m74sxsrxqh255av99i6ww0l76y-curl-7.71.1-man' from ''... copying path '/nix/store/r2nywq3ziag55zi6dqcxkpb6yla044kq-libunistring-0.9.10' from ''... copying path '/nix/store/gn0xmlk9kb1dcnlh7naawq3warfbzgzx-nghttp2-1.40.0' from ''... copying path '/nix/store/arb8311fjm1dsrbsy8j7pdanwnz1qwxv-libidn2-2.3.0' from ''... copying path '/nix/store/mh78fk3x12q2a77srgkzv16h0irl8r61-glibc-2.31' from ''... copying path '/nix/store/kyi6558fwmxivw4j70b2nx36m6200mjp-attr-2.4.48' from ''... copying path '/nix/store/6737cq9nvp4k5r70qcgf61004r0l2g3v-bash-4.4-p23' from ''... copying path '/nix/store/jgfa1mslsw5ag1mgr5bggi1f30nn5zam-bzip2-' from ''... copying path '/nix/store/zl08ih0skhpxnny9n1ydihmssfxxw5hr-acl-2.2.53' from ''... copying path '/nix/store/kxcwjq4sd5iiqgiqp39zqs4pczb1i2kj-bzip2-' from ''... copying path '/nix/store/jvvk8nfksihqvqyxgqygyg92a57aszba-c-ares-1.15.0' from ''... copying path '/nix/store/4d3487v9gdlcab84kvgnqsw5mp3f3678-ed-1.16' from ''... copying path '/nix/store/gd3nl6hcc8mzq8fmxdvl6czh3l0n4la5-coreutils-8.31' from ''... copying path '/nix/store/y4f6wp3p8wi304l7x47bh4qq7zf5cqjs-gawk-5.1.0' from ''... copying path '/nix/store/v589pqjhvxrj73g3r0xb41yr84z5pwb7-gcc-9.3.0-lib' from ''... ... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/brg8jlxnsfys729ji6vn8cswqf8y98pz-unit-dbus.service' to 'ssh://root@'... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/g0709d1vf3r431gmy5jvdz8pzlcz7rgg-system-units' to 'ssh://root@'... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/lz7ksa3ybgr1lq9sk4jc2d2fmc78kjib-user-units' to 'ssh://root@'... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/dazf67i0qf4515y8bw4xbfhdnnbvdkg8-etc' to 'ssh://root@'... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/8kddpssmnnasngg5dydvkx765l6nw3gh-nixos-system-vm01-test-20.09pre238361.33548111764' to 'ssh://root@'... labs> closures copied successfully vm01-test> updating GRUB 2 menu... vm01-test> stopping the following units: audit.service, firewall.service, kmod-static-nodes.service, network-local-commands.service, network-setup.service, nix-daemon.service, nix-daemon.socket, nscd.service, resolvconf.service, sshd.service, systemd-modules-load.service, systemd-sysctl.service, systemd-timesyncd.service, systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer, systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service, systemd-udev-trigger.service, systemd-udevd-control.socket, systemd-udevd-kernel.socket, systemd-udevd.service vm01-test> NOT restarting the following changed units: getty@tty1.service, systemd-journal-flush.service, systemd-logind.service, systemd-random-seed.service, systemd-remount-fs.service, systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service, systemd-udev-settle.service, systemd-update-utmp.service, systemd-user-sessions.service, user-runtime-dir@0.service, user-runtime-dir@51011.service, user@0.service, user@51011.service vm01-test> activating the configuration... vm01-test> reviving group 'ssh-users' with GID 999 vm01-test> removing group ‘systemd-timesync’ vm01-test> reviving user 'unbound' with UID 998 vm01-test> removing user ‘systemd-timesync’ vm01-test> setting up /etc... vm01-test> removing obsolete symlink ‘/etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf’... vm01-test> restarting systemd... vm01-test> reloading user units for root... vm01-test> ::::. '::::: ::::' root@vm01-test vm01-test> '::::: ':::::. ::::' OS: NixOS 20.09pre238361.33548111764 (Nightingale) vm01-test> ::::: '::::.::::: Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.4.55 vm01-test> .......:::::.…. :::::::: Uptime: 15m vm01-test> ::::::::::::::::::. :::::: ::::. Packages: 1143 vm01-test> ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::. .::::' Shell: sh vm01-test> ..... ::::' :::::' Disk: 3,3G / 16G (22%) vm01-test> ::::: '::' :::::' CPU: QEMU Virtual version 2.5+ @ 2x 2.195GHz vm01-test> ........::::: ' :::::::::::. GPU: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio GPU (rev 01) vm01-test> ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: RAM: 292MiB / 1993MiB vm01-test> ::::::::::: .. ::::: vm01-test> .::::: .::: ::::: vm01-test> .::::: ::::: ''''' .…. vm01-test> ::::: ':::::. .…..:::::::::::::' vm01-test> ::: ::::::. ':::::::::::::::::' vm01-test> .:::::::: ':::::::::: vm01-test> .::::''::::. '::::. vm01-test> .::::' ::::. '::::. vm01-test> .:::: :::: '::::. vm01-test> reloading user units for rebrain... vm01-test> ::::. '::::: ::::' rebrain@vm01-test vm01-test> '::::: ':::::. ::::' OS: NixOS 20.09pre238361.33548111764 (Nightingale) vm01-test> ::::: '::::.::::: Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.4.55 vm01-test> .......:::::.…. :::::::: Uptime: 15m vm01-test> ::::::::::::::::::. :::::: ::::. Packages: 1143 vm01-test> ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::. .::::' Shell: sh vm01-test> ..... ::::' :::::' Disk: 3,3G / 16G (22%) vm01-test> ::::: '::' :::::' CPU: QEMU Virtual version 2.5+ @ 2x 2.195GHz vm01-test> ........::::: ' :::::::::::. GPU: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio GPU (rev 01) vm01-test> ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: RAM: 294MiB / 1993MiB vm01-test> ::::::::::: .. ::::: vm01-test> .::::: .::: ::::: vm01-test> .::::: ::::: ''''' .…. vm01-test> ::::: ':::::. .…..:::::::::::::' vm01-test> ::: ::::::. ':::::::::::::::::' vm01-test> .:::::::: ':::::::::: vm01-test> .::::''::::. '::::. vm01-test> .::::' ::::. '::::. vm01-test> .:::: :::: '::::. vm01-test> setting up tmpfiles vm01-test> reloading the following units: dbus.service, dev-hugepages.mount, dev-mqueue.mount, sys-kernel-debug.mount vm01-test> restarting the following units: dhcpcd.service, systemd-journald.service vm01-test> starting the following units: audit.service, kmod-static-nodes.service, network-local-commands.service, network-setup.service, nix-daemon.socket, nscd.service, resolvconf.service, systemd-modules-load.service, systemd-sysctl.service, systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer, systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service, systemd-udev-trigger.service, systemd-udevd-control.socket, systemd-udevd-kernel.socket vm01-test> the following new units were started: chronyd.service, disable-kernel-module-loading.service,, logrotate.timer, nix-optimise.timer, qemu-guest-agent.service, sshd.socket, syslog-ng.service, unbound.service vm01-test> warning: the following units failed: apparmor.service vm01-test> vm01-test> ● apparmor.service vm01-test> Loaded: loaded (/nix/store/5db40ssdzmzhwb26ii0247v08hl2l2qn-unit-apparmor.service/apparmor.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) vm01-test> Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2020-08-13 16:35:50 MSK; 420ms ago vm01-test> Process: 2445 ExecStart=/nix/store/mlwjiwjw3x8pvq7gijy3wr28im7n5nx7-apparmor-parser-2.13.4/bin/apparmor_parser -rKv -I /nix/store/g4snl6w2bd6x5aaaabwvhza82ph6cfx2-apparmor-profiles-2.13.4/etc/apparmor.d /nix/store/h5jpz7vxiikfwy3in2fbi7gipzi2k49c-ping (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE) vm01-test> Main PID: 2445 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE) vm01-test> IP: 0B in, 0B out vm01-test> CPU: 4ms vm01-test> vm01-test> Aug 13 16:35:50 vm01-test systemd[1]: Starting apparmor.service… vm01-test> Aug 13 16:35:50 vm01-test apparmor_parser[2445]: Warning from stdin (line 1): config file '/etc/apparmor/parser.conf' not found vm01-test> Aug 13 16:35:50 vm01-test apparmor_parser[2445]: Cache read/write disabled: interface file missing. (Kernel needs AppArmor 2.4 compatibility patch.) vm01-test> Aug 13 16:35:50 vm01-test apparmor_parser[2445]: Warning: unable to find a suitable fs in /proc/mounts, is it mounted? vm01-test> Aug 13 16:35:50 vm01-test apparmor_parser[2445]: Use --subdomainfs to override. vm01-test> Aug 13 16:35:50 vm01-test systemd[1]: apparmor.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE vm01-test> Aug 13 16:35:50 vm01-test systemd[1]: apparmor.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. vm01-test> Aug 13 16:35:50 vm01-test systemd[1]: Failed to start apparmor.service. vm01-test> error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/nix/store/jc2mfpj70cwl0m2a3y6z9c5bcxdmgyxp-nixops-1.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nixops/", line 743, in worker raise Exception("unable to activate new configuration (exit code {})".format(res)) Exception: unable to activate new configuration (exit code 4) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/nix/store/jc2mfpj70cwl0m2a3y6z9c5bcxdmgyxp-nixops-1.7/bin/..nixops-wrapped-wrapped", line 991, in <module> args.op() File "/nix/store/jc2mfpj70cwl0m2a3y6z9c5bcxdmgyxp-nixops-1.7/bin/..nixops-wrapped-wrapped", line 412, in op_deploy max_concurrent_activate=args.max_concurrent_activate) File "/nix/store/jc2mfpj70cwl0m2a3y6z9c5bcxdmgyxp-nixops-1.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nixops/", line 1063, in deploy self.run_with_notify('deploy', lambda: self._deploy(**kwargs)) File "/nix/store/jc2mfpj70cwl0m2a3y6z9c5bcxdmgyxp-nixops-1.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nixops/", line 1052, in run_with_notify f() File "/nix/store/jc2mfpj70cwl0m2a3y6z9c5bcxdmgyxp-nixops-1.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nixops/", line 1063, in <lambda> self.run_with_notify('deploy', lambda: self._deploy(**kwargs)) File "/nix/store/jc2mfpj70cwl0m2a3y6z9c5bcxdmgyxp-nixops-1.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nixops/", line 1019, in _deploy dry_activate=dry_activate, max_concurrent_activate=max_concurrent_activate) File "/nix/store/jc2mfpj70cwl0m2a3y6z9c5bcxdmgyxp-nixops-1.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nixops/", line 775, in activate_configs .format(len(failed), len(res), ", ".join(["‘{0}’".format(x) for x in failed]))) Exception: activation of 1 of 1 machines failed (namely on ‘vm01-test’) Time: 0h:04m:50s |
Сперва идет копирование пакетов и конфигурационных файлов на удаленную систему. Затем на их основе собирается необходимая нам конфигурация системы. В конце у нас выскочит ошибка, что не стартовала служба apparmor, для ее активации нужна перезагрузка удаленной системы:
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vm01-test> rebooting... Enter passphrase for key '/home/rebrain/.ssh/id_ed25519': vm01-test> waiting for the machine to finish rebooting....[down]................[up] Enter passphrase for key '/home/rebrain/.ssh/id_ed25519': |
Полученную конфигурацию добавим в git-репозиторий:
Теперь добавим основные службы — фаервол, fail2ban и мониторинг netdata:
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... imports =[ ./../../../config-defs/core.nix ./services/fail2ban.nix ./services/firefall-nft.nix ./services/netdata.nix ./hardware-configuration.nix ./users.nix ]; ... |
Просмотрим изменения:
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diff --git a/labs/vm01-test/configuration.nix b/labs/vm01-test/configuration.nix index 2de8f9f..6db6ae3 100644 --- a/labs/vm01-test/configuration.nix +++ b/labs/vm01-test/configuration.nix @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ { imports =[ ./../../../config-defs/core.nix + ./services/fail2ban.nix + ./services/firefall-nft.nix + ./services/netdata.nix ./hardware-configuration.nix ./users.nix ]; |
Добавляем изменения в git:
Теперь применяем изменения на удаленной системе:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 |
Enter passphrase for key '/home/rebrain/.ssh/id_ed25519': building all machine configurations... unpacking ''... these derivations will be built: /nix/store/wrns0lc31461hbb991gmn9g3cbslx4rg-limits.conf.drv /nix/store/0cg6wayc42qp7ddz0ais1z7anj8qdyz7-chfn.pam.drv /nix/store/jh2g3hj3z0pfcqpmf75375g1r3nqmcqs-system-path.drv /nix/store/0kl6vw56zvd6vqq2rhsrg5c6csbbjn0l-unit-systemd-fsck-.service.drv /nix/store/2yc5b8dm50rrakhyyz1whda5ynr5vvm5-su.pam.drv /nix/store/2ym5y01lim5cb5snlam3cfzx0sb65gms-groupadd.pam.drv /nix/store/2zrn9wi4civwwkgminbg1si1ryrxlbsf-jail.local.drv /nix/store/37h285grnxxp6dkgm062hh8khyab48hb-i3lock-color.pam.drv /nix/store/4kknfy450ah0kpv4lqd4xv6diqlw8am4-groupmems.pam.drv ... building '/nix/store/856w8snjlfyl6hi6fwa4pqw0ay5bbrd1-etc.drv'... building '/nix/store/ssd95hnspmlaj2q843gxd0f9zpg95mkb-nixos-system-vm01-test-20.09pre238361.33548111764.drv'... building '/nix/store/395rflzyqrdk8qwjqxxwaxnpxqrf3lyj-nixops-machines.drv'... vm01-test> copying closure... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/i65m49njwrdjqscpbrglva67993l9vx7-wrapped-plugins' from ''... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/01113j97n0pymlrlzwmrnsrrl9mm9fdy-freeipmi-1.6.5' from ''... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/i0zbc4g3h2qvyvc02h0d0gm0q6nv4dzg-jansson-2.13.1' from ''... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/j7fkg0x9zz8mvxg4wgzfxk3h7h6hyk6z-judy-1.0.5' from ''... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/qb1pp715km3i2sqwvdfpdi4ddhm3akwd-libnetfilter_acct-1.0.3' from ''... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/l0kvj1rh52ghffa585jqyg8mrlbw15dn-libuv-1.38.1' from ''... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/b3xwkfavjmflgyqxdkqkmsxcg913j3gr-lm-sensors-3.6.0' from ''... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/9557pxkkz4n0mv94c1x8ha1j0bryz3b0-netdata-go.d.plugin-0.20.0' from ''... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/kak7pfqf812da9psa0f98as94ak7k8yz-nftables-0.9.6' from ''... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/vsrwx91c4a54p1yiac9ps82dzvzl9il6-python3-3.8.5-env' from ''... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/84xhqx9d66jiy6flyvzkssg2dgqsy1y3-python3.8-systemd-234' from ''... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/k0g3nz1p4zd9bb7kgxvrj74c178ms1w3-fail2ban-0.11.1' from ''... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/8hmmhd45zgcykns5wb3s5l4a5cxj6kha-netdata-1.23.2' from ''... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/8wjd41ncr73w3zflwc7d3vfk2kkl91w7-netdata.conf' from ''... vm01-test> copying 48 paths... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/3cnp3s91rx1famln69ac4i919fzyw5y1-unit-netdata.service' to 'ssh://root@'... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/7rpf25gvzmjsgfr6p4vzw7lj98qzqzp4-system-path' to 'ssh://root@'... vm01-test> copying path '/nix/store/9bdj9mvsvgihblx27yly0dap05hcihi7-limits.conf' to 'ssh://root@'... ... labs> closures copied successfully vm01-test> updating GRUB 2 menu... vm01-test> stopping the following units: systemd-modules-load.service vm01-test> activating the configuration... vm01-test> setting up /etc... vm01-test> reloading user units for root... vm01-test> ::::. '::::: ::::' root@vm01-test vm01-test> '::::: ':::::. ::::' OS: NixOS 20.09pre238361.33548111764 (Nightingale) vm01-test> ::::: '::::.::::: Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.7.15-hardened vm01-test> .......:::::.…. :::::::: Uptime: 3h 22m vm01-test> ::::::::::::::::::. :::::: ::::. Packages: 1170 vm01-test> ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::. .::::' Shell: sh vm01-test> ..... ::::' :::::' Disk: 3,4G / 16G (23%) vm01-test> ::::: '::' :::::' CPU: QEMU Virtual version 2.5+ @ 2x 2.195GHz vm01-test> ........::::: ' :::::::::::. GPU: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio GPU (rev 01) vm01-test> ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: RAM: 350MiB / 1993MiB vm01-test> ::::::::::: .. ::::: vm01-test> .::::: .::: ::::: vm01-test> .::::: ::::: ''''' .…. vm01-test> ::::: ':::::. .…..:::::::::::::' vm01-test> ::: ::::::. ':::::::::::::::::' vm01-test> .:::::::: ':::::::::: vm01-test> .::::''::::. '::::. vm01-test> .::::' ::::. '::::. vm01-test> .:::: :::: '::::. vm01-test> reloading user units for rebrain... vm01-test> ::::. '::::: ::::' rebrain@vm01-test vm01-test> '::::: ':::::. ::::' OS: NixOS 20.09pre238361.33548111764 (Nightingale) vm01-test> ::::: '::::.::::: Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.7.15-hardened vm01-test> .......:::::.…. :::::::: Uptime: 3h 22m vm01-test> ::::::::::::::::::. :::::: ::::. Packages: 1170 vm01-test> ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::. .::::' Shell: sh vm01-test> ..... ::::' :::::' Disk: 3,4G / 16G (23%) vm01-test> ::::: '::' :::::' CPU: QEMU Virtual version 2.5+ @ 2x 2.195GHz vm01-test> ........::::: ' :::::::::::. GPU: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio GPU (rev 01) vm01-test> ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: RAM: 352MiB / 1993MiB vm01-test> ::::::::::: .. ::::: vm01-test> .::::: .::: ::::: vm01-test> .::::: ::::: ''''' .…. vm01-test> ::::: ':::::. .…..:::::::::::::' vm01-test> ::: ::::::. ':::::::::::::::::' vm01-test> .:::::::: ':::::::::: vm01-test> .::::''::::. '::::. vm01-test> .::::' ::::. '::::. vm01-test> .:::: :::: '::::. vm01-test> setting up tmpfiles vm01-test> reloading the following units: dbus.service vm01-test> starting the following units: systemd-modules-load.service vm01-test> the following new units were started: fail2ban.service, netdata.service vm01-test> warning: the following units failed: nftables.service vm01-test> vm01-test> ● nftables.service - nftables firewall vm01-test> Loaded: loaded (/nix/store/9ir93n0mzn57c9x8yrh1m28lbl6szs2a-unit-nftables.service/nftables.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) vm01-test> Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2020-08-13 19:59:30 MSK; 50ms ago vm01-test> Process: 1437 ExecStart=/nix/store/0pns2jkqpv6pddrbimpxi6kr47xwsnm4-nftables-check (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE) vm01-test> Main PID: 1437 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE) vm01-test> IP: 0B in, 0B out vm01-test> CPU: 23ms vm01-test> vm01-test> авг 13 19:59:30 vm01-test systemd[1]: Starting nftables firewall… vm01-test> авг 13 19:59:30 vm01-test 0pns2jkqpv6pddrbimpxi6kr47xwsnm4-nftables-check[1437]: Unload ip_tables before using nftables! vm01-test> авг 13 19:59:30 vm01-test systemd[1]: nftables.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE vm01-test> авг 13 19:59:30 vm01-test systemd[1]: nftables.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. vm01-test> авг 13 19:59:30 vm01-test systemd[1]: Failed to start nftables firewall. vm01-test> error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/nix/store/ihb5kkmbds0f5zvxl7mb51mj4sgkcys8-nixops-1.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nixops/", line 743, in worker raise Exception("unable to activate new configuration (exit code {})".format(res)) Exception: unable to activate new configuration (exit code 4) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/nix/store/ihb5kkmbds0f5zvxl7mb51mj4sgkcys8-nixops-1.7/bin/..nixops-wrapped-wrapped", line 991, in <module> args.op() File "/nix/store/ihb5kkmbds0f5zvxl7mb51mj4sgkcys8-nixops-1.7/bin/..nixops-wrapped-wrapped", line 412, in op_deploy max_concurrent_activate=args.max_concurrent_activate) File "/nix/store/ihb5kkmbds0f5zvxl7mb51mj4sgkcys8-nixops-1.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nixops/", line 1063, in deploy self.run_with_notify('deploy', lambda: self._deploy(**kwargs)) File "/nix/store/ihb5kkmbds0f5zvxl7mb51mj4sgkcys8-nixops-1.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nixops/", line 1052, in run_with_notify f() File "/nix/store/ihb5kkmbds0f5zvxl7mb51mj4sgkcys8-nixops-1.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nixops/", line 1063, in <lambda> self.run_with_notify('deploy', lambda: self._deploy(**kwargs)) File "/nix/store/ihb5kkmbds0f5zvxl7mb51mj4sgkcys8-nixops-1.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nixops/", line 1019, in _deploy dry_activate=dry_activate, max_concurrent_activate=max_concurrent_activate) File "/nix/store/ihb5kkmbds0f5zvxl7mb51mj4sgkcys8-nixops-1.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nixops/", line 775, in activate_configs .format(len(failed), len(res), ", ".join(["‘{0}’".format(x) for x in failed]))) Exception: activation of 1 of 1 machines failed (namely on ‘vm01-test’) Time: 0h:00m:57s |
Служба nftables выдает ошибку, так как системе требуется перезагрузка:
Для обновления удаленной системы надо заранее обновить на текущей системе основной канал и запустить обновление через nixops:
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Enter passphrase for key '/home/rebrain/.ssh/id_ed25519': building all machine configurations... vm01-test> copying closure... labs> closures copied successfully vm01-test> updating GRUB 2 menu... vm01-test> activating the configuration... vm01-test> setting up /etc... vm01-test> reloading user units for root... vm01-test> ::::. '::::: ::::' root@vm01-test vm01-test> '::::: ':::::. ::::' OS: NixOS 20.09pre238361.33548111764 (Nightingale) vm01-test> ::::: '::::.::::: Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.7.15-hardened vm01-test> .......:::::.…. :::::::: Uptime: 5m vm01-test> ::::::::::::::::::. :::::: ::::. Packages: 1170 vm01-test> ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::. .::::' Shell: sh vm01-test> ..... ::::' :::::' Disk: 3,4G / 16G (23%) vm01-test> ::::: '::' :::::' CPU: QEMU Virtual version 2.5+ @ 2x 2.195GHz vm01-test> ........::::: ' :::::::::::. GPU: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio GPU (rev 01) vm01-test> ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: RAM: 357MiB / 1993MiB vm01-test> ::::::::::: .. ::::: vm01-test> .::::: .::: ::::: vm01-test> .::::: ::::: ''''' .…. vm01-test> ::::: ':::::. .…..:::::::::::::' vm01-test> ::: ::::::. ':::::::::::::::::' vm01-test> .:::::::: ':::::::::: vm01-test> .::::''::::. '::::. vm01-test> .::::' ::::. '::::. vm01-test> .:::: :::: '::::. vm01-test> setting up tmpfiles vm01-test> the following new units were started: logrotate.service vm01-test> activation finished successfully labs> deployment finished successfully Time: 0h:00m:19s |
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