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# dmidecode 2.9
SMBIOS 2.4 present.
32 structures occupying 1517 bytes.
Table at 0x000E3410.Handle 0x0000, DMI type 435 bytes
Processor Information
Socket Designation: CPU1
Type: Central Processor
Family: <OUT OF SPEC>
Manufacturer: Intel(R) Corporation
ID76 06 01 00 FF FB EB BF
Version: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Extreme CPU X9650  @ 3.00GHz
Voltage: 1.6 V
External Clock: 333 MHz
Max Speed: 4000 MHz
Current Speed: 3000 MHz
Status: Populated, Enabled
Upgrade: Socket LGA775
L1 Cache Handle: 0x0003
L2 Cache Handle: 0x0001
L3 Cache Handle: Not Provided
Serial Number: Not Specified
Asset Tag: Not Specified
Part Number: Not Specified

Вер­сию биоса

BIOS Information
Vendor: Intel Corp.
Version: BTX3810J.86A.2006.2009.1023.1057
Release Date: 10/23/2009
Address: 0xF0000
Runtime Size: 64 kB
ROM Size: 2048 kB

ну и маму

Base Board Information
Manufacturer: Intel Corporation
Product Name: DX48BT2
Version: AAE26191-204
Serial Number: BQBQ815001VQ
Asset Tag: Base Board Asset Tag
Board is a hosting board
Board is replaceable
Location In Chassis: Base Board Chassis Location
Chassis Handle: 0x0007
Type: Unknown
Contained Object Handles: 0

Так­же мож­но посмот­реть какие PCI устрой­ства (точ­нее то, что у нас есть на “южном мосту”) у нас есть
